There is nothing left to be said about Trump’s character. Everyone, except for his aficionados, has known it long ago. One of the most powerful men on earth is a colossal toddler that cannot get enough praise and therefore pampers himself; a man whose elixir of life is accommodating as many people as possible in […]
Schlagwort: Black lives matter
Über Trumps Charakter muss man gar nicht mehr viel sagen. Alle, mit Ausnahme seiner Anhänger, wissen es längst. Einer der mächtigsten Menschen der Welt ist ein kolossales Kleinkind, das gar nicht genug Lob bekommen kann, und deshalb die Belobigungen gleich selbst übernimmt, und dessen größtes Lebenselixier darin besteht, möglichst viele Menschen in seinem dunkelsten Körperteil […]
Steeped in history
4th July – like most national holidays a celebration of self-infatuation. Needless to that Trump knows how to celebrate such a day of national unity. By calling “Black Lives Matter” a “symbol of hate” and its supporters “angry mobs”. Like George Floyd, I guess, who most insidiously forced his head under a policeman’s knee. Needless […]